Yingkai Xiao, Zhanwen Zhou, Jingjin Liu, Ziwei Mo, Weikang Xie, Beier Zhu, Kangjia Niu
LLMs as plannersTBD
LLMs finetuned to be plannersTBD
LLMs as components of planningTBD
Final RemarksTBD
References \Conf | Abstract | Submission | Notification | Conference Date | |
ICML-23 | N/A | Jan 26 '23 08:00 PM UTC | -------- | Jul 23rd through Sat the 29th, 2023 Hawaii Convention Center |
IJCAI-23 | January 11, 2023 | January 18, 2023 | -------- | Aug 19th to Aug 25th, 2023 Cape Town, South Africa |
ICAPS-23 | November 25, 2022 | November 30, 2022 | N/A | July 8-13, 2023 Prague, Czech Republic |
ACL-23 | January 13, 2023 | January 20, 2023 | -------- | July 10-12, 2023 |
SIGIR-23 | January 24, 2023 | January 31, 2023 | -------- | July 23rd to 27th, 2023 Taipei, China |
NeurIPS-23 | May 11, 2023 | May 17, 2023 | Sep 21 | Dec 10-16, 2023 | |
ICLR-24 | Sept, 2023 | Sept, 2023 | -------- | May, 2024 | |
AAAI-24 | Sept , 2023 | Sept , 2023 | -------- | -------- |
1. English Usage, Style & Composition. 2. Common Errors in English Usage. 3. Guide to Grammar and Style
4. Passive voice and the word "I". 5. Seven Steps to Better Presentations. 6. Edward Tufte’s Presentation Tips.
1. Learning Plannable Representations with Causal InfoGAN, NIPS 2018.
2. Transfer of Deep Reactive Policies for MDP Planning, NIPS 2018.
3. From Stochastic Planning to Marginal MAP, NIPS 2018.
4. Adaptive Path-Integral Autoencoders: Representation Learning and Planning for Dynamical Systems, NIPS 2018
5. Differentiable MPC for End-to-end Planning and Control, NIPS 2018
6. Gated Path Planning Networks. ICML 2018. [abs] [Download PDF][Supplementary PDF]
7. Universal Planning Networks: Learning Generalizable Representations for Visuomotor Control. ICML 2018. [abs] [Download PDF][Supplementary PDF]
8. Hierarchical Text Generation and Planning for Strategic Dialogue. ICML 2018. [abs] [Download PDF]
9. A Robust Approach to Sequential Information Theoretic Planning. ICML 2018. [abs] [Download PDF][Supplementary PDF]
HTNML is designed to learn Hierarchical Task Network Models. Please refer to the above papers for more details. HTNML, as well as SOME testing data, can be downloaded here. [download]
PlanTool:PlanTool is a tool for efficient application and research in planning area, which integrating various popular planners. The description of the tool can be found from [here]. PlanTool source code can be downloaded here [download]
Plan Recognition:DUP is a plan recogntiion tool that aims to recognize plans that are either from or out of the plan library. Please refer to our best student nomination AAMAS-16 paper: "Xin Tian (M. Phil Student), Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Subbarao Kambhampati. Discovering Underlying Plans Based on Distributed Representations of Actions. AAMAS, 2016." [download]
Postdoc (2022 ~ , with Prof. Hong Shen)
PHD student (2019 ~ )
PHD Student (2022 ~)
PHD Student (2023 ~)
Master Student (2020 ~)
Master Student (2020 ~)
Master Student (2021 ~)
Master Student (2021 ~)
Master Student (2021 ~)
Master Student (2022 ~)
Master Student (2022 ~)
Master Student (2022 ~)
Master Student (2022 ~)
Master Student (2023 ~)
Research Assistant (2021 ~)
Research Assistant (2022 ~)
Master Student (2020 ~ 2022)
Master Student (2020 ~)
Master Student (2020 ~)
Master Student (2019~)
Master Student (2019~)
Master Student (2019~2020)
Master Student (2018~2019)
Master Student (2019~2020)
Master Student (2019~2020)
Master Student (2018~2019)
Master Student (2018~2019)
Master Student (2018~2019)
Master Student (2019~)
Master Student (2019~)
Master Student (2019~)
PHD student (cosupervised)
Master Student (2012~2015)
Master Student (2012~2015)
Master Student (2012~2015)
Master Student (2012~2015)
Master Student (2012~2015)
Master Student (2012~2015)
Master Student (2014~2016)
Master Student (2014~2017)
Master Student (2014~2017)
Master Student (2014~2017)
Master Student (2014~2017)
Master Student (2015~2017)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2016~2018)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2016~2018)
Master Student (2016~2018)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2016~2017)
Master Student (2018~2019)
Master Student (2018~2019)
Master Student (2018~2019)